Wednesday, August 27, 2008


August is almost over! Honestly, where did the summer go? I am still ready to go back to school. I have been. However, I am enjoying the time that I have at home. Tomorrow is my last day of work at the library. I do love that job. I also love coming home to the dumb dog on the right who just lights up my world.

I don't leave for France until September 11th (WHO BOOKED MY FLIGHT? Putain de merde!) which means I will be home while everyone is in school. I will be cramming as much French as I can into my head (I just bought Intermediate French for Dummies, haha) as well as going to the beach!! As a result of being around books from 9 to 5, I haven't really seen much sunlight. I have gone to the beach once this summer (hence the photo) and it makes me feel so much better, so to the beach I go!

I am extreeemely excited to go back to Paris. Who wouldn't be? Of course I am nervous though. I have been going into my mom's school to help set up her classroom and sometimes I just want to go back to Salve and continue my education classes. I know it sounds silly, but I honestly love learning about how to work with the kiddies.

I have a feeling that after my fabulous time abroad (which you will be able to follow on this blog!) I will be coming home to a wonderfulllllll spring semester. Zeb and I will be leaving in Rhode Island. I will be taking alll education classes... some of them being how to teach certain subjects. I plan on returning to the animal shelter to learn how to train dogs. Devan will be in New Haven, so I will be able to visit her easily. Then... there is a possibility of philosophy classes abroad at the end of the semester. Yeah, again.

Things are just good. Other than the waves of nervousness about living abroad for several months, I'm feeling really great. I have incredible friends in my life, unique opportunities in front of me, and a snoring dog cuddling with me.

So I'll close off with the quote on the right: Enjoy life.... Think of all the people who passed up dessert on the Titanic.

Don't say you didn't laugh.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Despite my wonderful summer schedule of
waking up,
drinking tea,
eating dinner then
going back to bed...


If I were going back to Salve, I would be packed and ready... but the fact that I will be studying in Paris is making me want this summer over even more. Because honestly, I'm tired of sleeping. The problem is, I just have trouble finding a reason to stay awake. If I sleep through the day, I don't have to deal with any of the shit being dealt out. This has worked, but I am doneeee. I want Paris. Maintenant! Now! (Please!)