Saturday, May 31, 2008


Wine and Rousseau: this is how class is run on a vendredi (Friday). I think that Rousseau is a brilliant person... what he has to say is rather brutal (not as harsh at Neitzsche, but he did influence Neitzshe so Rousseau was just the foundation) and even though he wrote his Discourses in 1750 we are able to apply them to life as we know it today.

Okay, I admit, I got a little wine-happy tonight... so that accounts for the rambling. ON THAT NOTE: More pictures will be posted tomorrow when I can feel my nose.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Angers Chateau

One of the places that is paces from us is the Angers Chateau, built in the 13th century. It served as a fortress and has 17 towers. The Chateau houses the Apocolypse Hanging which was comissioned in 1375. It is one of the best perserved medieval tapestries that survives.
I have not yet seen the Tapestry, but there will be pictures when I do! For now, here are some images of the beautiful, exquisite Chateau.

P.S. I go by this every day while walking to class.


I am not holding poop. Au contraire !!! It is a chocolat fondant brownie, and I could have pooled into a puddle it was so rich and delicious. That's the thing about France, if you stop at a patessarie all of their foods are fresh. I have always wanted to work at a bakery, but bakeries at home pale in comparison to what they have here.

This is the sky at 9 pm. I do not understand why it is so bright out. It perplexes me and throws off my understanding of when I should eat dinner.


No day in Angers is complete without a trip to the Monoprix. The Monoprix has a grocery store, a book selection (of course I noticed that), clothing, some electronics, etc. I have been there every day since arriving here and am constantly buying water and other things to eat for dinner. I found it's better to eat out for lunch and then munch on something for dinner, like a baguette (.75euro) or some good ol' fashion chips. I bought some jus de pomme and it is even better than American apple juice because it isn't as sugary. I took this picture at the Monoprix of this fascinating concept: putting chocolat au lait (milk chocolate) on un petit pain (bread). Personally, I love French bread. And I love chocolate more. As a result, j'adore les francais.

Yesterday after class is was so beautiful outside. Courtney and I decided to read in the little area outside of our dorm. It's not as big an area as it looks, but I thought the itty bitty daisies were cute. I thought my shoes were even cuter, and I fell in love with them even more when I was able to walk around Angers in them and not have my feet killing me.

This is a sign in the kitchenette next to my room. Each hallway has a little kitchen, equipped with a stove, sink, microwave and toaster oven. There is a delightful aroma every time you walk down a hallway and the students utilize the space often. It is obvious they value cooking and quality food, but it is a wonder that they are in the University and whipping up foods that are probably better than what Miley serves.

I'm a simple eater, so last night I was quite content with mes petites salades, merci beaucoup. I have found that if I am going to eat out, I prefer having lunch rather than dinner. By food shopping and eating dinner in le residence I think I am wisely budgeting. Today I bought some parmesean cheese at the Monoprix which will add a little something to mes petites salades.

Last night Courtney and I went out for a walk about town. We were looking for a cafe to sit in, but we ended up getting a scoop of ice cream and sitting with this view. Pas mal, not bad. ;-)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Bonjour !

Bonjour mes amies !!! Thought I'd share some pictures with you since I am now online.

That's the plane in Iceland, and yes, that is Iceland-ic written on the little seat thing. Being in Iceland was confusing because I realized, I don't even know how to say hello!!! We were only there for an hour but it was pretty cool. The plane ride from Boston to Icleand was extensively long, but we had touch screen Tvs which entertained me. Then I slept for the rest of the trip.
Three plane rides (totaling.... 11 hours of flying) and a 4 hour bus ride later we got to Angers. I was totally wanting to just pass out in my residence, but we walked around town. I fell in love with it. Angers is such a quaint, lovely place. I'll post more pictures soon.

This is from the toilettes in the building where we have our classes. I thought it was cool because "chouette" means "great", but it also means "owl"... hence the owl. That's something Vanessa taught me!
Well it is about 10:40 at night here, and I want to do some reading and get to bed early. I will write more tomorrow!
Gros bisous !!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

James Blunt

Tonight I was in the middle of packing up my things with my bestest, and I got a call from Matt asking me if I wanted another dog. Good one, Matt, good one. My house would have to officially be registered as a zoo. But seriously, they found this little fluffer-nutter wandering the streets and tied a towel to its collar as a cape. The dog had no form of contacting its owners, and the town had no intention of taking in a dog at 11 in the evening. Which left us with the perdicament: What to do with James Blunt? (I took no part in naming it, I got it to answer to Tinkle-butt so I won't say anything...) After flagging down a fire marshall, we decided that Matt would give the dog a place to crash for the night.

I still have to write a three page paper on Rousseau.

-> A stow-away!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


My best friend, Devan and I met in preschool, or so our parents say. Technically our friendship dates back to first grade, when she turned her desk a different way than all the other kids. I thought it was so cool that she went against the grain, and we became friends. However long you want to say we have been friends for, I think it's safe to say we go way, way back.

Remember Teck Decks... the itty bitty skateboards for fingers? We went from scooting little King Dinny the Racoon down the street on one of those suckers..... to today, where we go into the city for some adventures.

Since we dressed nicely, it poured all day. We didn't have an umbrella, so everywhere we wanted to go was really far away. Despite the foul weather, we ducked under awnings, wore scarves as hoods, and I bought some pretty stellar shoes for $7.

It would be pointless to record all the happenings of the trip, just because Dev would be the only person able to decipher what happened. Let me give it a try. Main events consisted of: dodging puddles and umbrellas springing up from nowhere (leading cause of death???), determination to buy clothing, picking out the funkiest shirts at H&M (which actually spring sentimental value), dodging "vetrans" at McDonalds, swearing Cubed was playing the pan flute at Penn, identifying the highlights of an outfit of the woman across from us, EAT YOUR CHICKEN ELLIOTS, and knowing what Eddie Murphy and Robin Williams have in common.

Friday, May 16, 2008

I am grateful

I am grateful to wake up on a rainy morning and be able to sleep in.
I am grateful to have these two cuddling with me.

I am grateful for tea and books to be read.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I've been starting to forget Margaret. Her voice, her hands, her hugs. I have letters from her, I have pictures of her, and I know what she valued in her heart. I'll always remember her lucious gardens and towering bookshelves. In order for me to do something in her memory, I decided to donate my hair to Locks of Love. My hair went down to my waist and it is now above my shoulders. I am still getting used to the lightness of it, but I feel like I did something that would make her proud. I hope that my hair can be used and help a child feel better about themselves.

Yesterday was gorgeous outside. After getting my hair done I decided to sit out in the sun with the puppies.
Rocky loves sitting in the sun. He always looks so peaceful, serene, and almost royal basking in the sunlight.
Zeb the cuddlefish. He has been on LI for a week but it seems like he has always been here. He is without a doubt part of our family.
Hannah is the biggest oaf of a dog that I have ever met. She is also the most obedient and loving. Here, she was taking a break after chasing a ball around the yard.

"l'herbe coupee" - cut grass

Monday, May 12, 2008

My French Brit

This past semester my Children's Lit professor mentioned organization that she had been involved in called the Potter League. She mentioned that she volunteered at the animal shelter and walked dogs. I thought How cool, walking dogs for a job (even if you don't get paid). So I signed up, went through orientation, and that was that.

The first dog that I walked was called Zeb. He was a sweet old guy, and he was happy with just walking around the field and hanging out. I got to walk a few other sweeties too. As time went by, many of them found homes. The barking beagle Nathan, bratty Astro, even Elvis the crazy dog. But not Zeb.

Skipping over a lot of details, Zeb now has a home. With me. I told myself I wouldn't bring home a dog because everyone in that shelter was meant to make a family happy. Zeb just fit though; I could tell he would be one of us. And he is.