Friday, December 5, 2008

Miam Miam !

Oh France, you spoil me. You allow me to eat like a glutton and show no sign of pity. After eating the most delicious vanilla eclair today, I had to write about food. Plus I'm hungry, so why not reflect on the wonder that is French nom noms? This piece of chocolate tart as pictured is from the same place where I got the eclair. May I mention how much I am going to miss getting incredible pastries on a daily basis??

And ice cream... but not like Friendly's or Carvel ice cream. I'm talking REAL ICE CREAM. Carmen showed me this Italian ice cream place where if you get your ice cream in a cone they make it into a flower. My family was fortunate enough to be able to have this experience as well.

Junk food, mmm. Even when eating junk food it's not that junky (especially since the American stuff is waaay overpriced and I can spend less that 5$ to get a bag of M&Ms once I'm home... and don't judge.... it was one time). This picture of these chips, only they're like fries, but they're chips... and I can't think of how to explain them except that they're chip fries. Ohhh goodness and their candy. Kinder makes incredible chocolate products, but I just recently tried a candly by Harbo which satisfies my fruity desires.

Cheese.... I wouldn't be in France if I wasn't in love with cheese. Camambert is excellent, but my heart lies with St. Moret. Rumor has it that there is St. Moret in the states which is good news indeed. I've always been a very picky eater, but I have become more open to trying new things. I used to hate tomatoes. Now... LOVE THEM. And tortellini has become a regular dinner meal for me. I just picked some up from Monoprix and plan on having it for dinner tonight.

Last but not least, I leave you with Nutella. Nutella in and of itself is delightful, but Nutella in CEREAL??? Sometimes I need a reminder of why I'm leaving France. There is Nutella in my Bueno Bars too, which I didn't realize until I actually tried Nutella. Anyway, I don't have a picture of Nutella to put up here, but I do have an add for the cereal that I have been eating. I saw this when I was in Lyon and thought it was the funniest thing ever.

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