Friday, September 19, 2008


Yesterday after class I got on a train from the Gare de Cannes with some girls from my group in AIFS to go to dinner for Italy. You know, just border hopping. NBD. No big deal.

<--Me "compostez"-ing my billet. You put your ticket in the thingy and it gets a stamp showing you validated your ticket. It makes a really cool sound, and I get to say "compostez". Simple things, people. I also love the little music that the speakers make when the gare makes an annoucement. Four simple notes.

So yes, this is Italy. Carmen was with us, and her family is one of those hardcore Italian families who brought her up speaking Italian, so even though the only thing I could do was say "CIAO!" we had her to translate for us. Thank goodness.

We went to the town of Sanremo which was really beautiful.

La centre ville. Actually, that's French, so I don't know what they call it over there. We also can't figure out what those metal things are hoovering overhead: I hypothesized electric wires, but I really wanted to hang from them.

What a wonderful dinner. I got to look at this Dolce and Gabanna god as I ate my REAL ITALIAN PASTA!! Delicious. (Both the guy and the dinner)

Oh hey, Italian license plate.

There are mountains here. I can't get over that... such a spoiled South Shore girl.

Yummers, chocolate gelato.

We had a few hours before our train back to France so we wandered down by the docks for a little bit.

Being able to say I went to Italy just for dinner and be back within a matter of hours was so incredibly cool. Someday I would like to go back and spend more time in Italy, but I do not know about this trip. I would like to stay within France and foucs on learning about the French culture and language. Tonight I ended up at a table of 5 French guys my age who spoke in rapid fire French and were amazed when I responded to questions they asked. Honestly, I was impressed with myself too. Anywho, Italy was amazing. C'est tout pour aujourd'hui! BISOUS !!!

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