Saturday, September 20, 2008


This entry goes out to Devan... because I love her more than all the fishies in the sea PLUS the Monoco Aquarium.

Yes, second part of Monaco consisted of visiting an aquarium, which was strangely more relaxing and awesome than I thought it would be.

I got to see some totally awesome fish swimming around. Goldfish depress me because they can only swim in circles in a little bowl, but these fish get to interact with each other and have a pretty good life, as far as fish go.

So, daddy, I think we should stick this awesome one in the tank.

FISHY... WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING? I'm a pirannah! (Disney references, bien sur)

MY BUBBLESSSSSSS... yes it's the Bubbles fish from Finding Nemo!!!

This dude was just really cool looking.


Oh my goodness... and the NEMOS!!! There were so many of them, it made me very happy.

Carmen and I just stood and quoted Finding Nemo for quite some time. Some foreign guy walked up to the tank, pointed and said "Nay-mo!" (Knee-mo, you fool)

Then I decided that I had to watch Nemo when I got back to the dorm, which is exactly what I have done.

On our way back we stopped at a town called Eze known for it's perfume making. The woman gave half the tour in French and I understood more than I thought I would.

It also started to POUR which made me unhappy because we had to run down the street back to the dorm. I hope this rain gets out of Cannes' system because I hope to enjoy this last week on the beach.


This fish was actually pretty funny; while all the other fish kept swimming around he was watching Carmen and I while making faces. Is it possible for a fish to flirt?

Devaloo, I tried to get a picture of the seahorses for you but they were being camera shy -- so I took this instead!!

I don't know this man. But he spent a while checking out the fish in this stellar tank.

Jellyfish and octopus.. GROSS!!! I think those are the only two problems I have with the ocean, other than pollution (which I can blame on society) and decaying bodies in the water (which I can blame on CSI for putting that idea in my head.... THANKS).

There was a genocide of mussels.

Don't be surprised.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


they are all so beautiful. i want to find an aquarium around here and go, maybe i'll do that next weekend or something. i miss the ocean : ( and you of course hehe.