Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Bonjour, investigators of my life. As for not updating, recently, um, oops. It gets very busy during the week, and then this weekend flew by. Here are some fun pictures though!!!

Saturday Carmen and I did some shopping. I found some clothes, and we both got tickets to go to DISNEY!!! That's what we are doing with our Halloween!! I am so excited.

One of our missions in Paris is to find a good ice cream place. We want a place where we can walk away with our ice cream (not Haagen Daaz, we already did that) but Paris is not bountiful in their glaceries. We ended up getting McFlurries at McDo. Not quite what we were looking for, but MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

Sunday we went over to Place d'Italie hoping to find some good food. Little Italy? Nope. It's actually Parisian Chinatown. And the location of a strike that we got caught in the middle of. Oh, Paris.

HOWEVER. It was an education strike! HAH. My overseas people!!! This dude was so empowered, he hung from the building singing.

"less schools!
less teachers!
and the success
of all
our young?"
This was just the protest for education. There was a teacher strike about a week ago, and I suppose now they are making sure their point got across.

This is a sign in the metros that makes Carmen and I laugh.

On Blvd Grenelle by where I live. CUTE. Tonight Carmen and I are going to go hunting for food because we are very hungry, and then go to a cafe to get some homework done. Studying in a cafe? YAY. Okay, she just came bouncing in my room. Time to go!

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