Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mon Appartement

Bienvenue, to the tour of where I am living in the 15eme arrondisment of Paris.

In order to enter the apartment, you have to hold up the little green thing to the little square thing and then click! The door unlocks. Same system as getting into the dorms in Angers.

To leave the building, you press the button which says "Sortie" (I am aware the picture is blurry, I was in a hurry to get to Monoprix. Desole)

Take the elevator up to the 6th floor. More likely than not, this hallway will be pitch black... there is a button to press to turn on the lights. I am an idiot and hit someones doorbell thinking it was the light. Lesson learned.

View from the balcony of the apartment. Carmen and I enjoyed our Frosties out here one morning.

The salle... I adoree all the old furniture and unique decorations all over this apartment!!

This is the piano I stare at during dinner when it gets awkward, or when I want to laugh and cannot make eye contact with Carmen.

La cuisine. Sweet niblets, where do I begin with this kitchen. Okay, I will start by saying, Madame is an excellent cook. However, she isn't the greatest with cleaning everything up. Especially the dishes. The OCD in me is raging whenever I set foot in this kitchen: I have to wash the dishes even before I use them. Next, the fridge. We have the top shelf to put our food on, but I really really do not ever want to open that fridge again....... there's something growing on the back of it. It is revolting. And the gas burner. What an experience Carma and I had trying to make eggs one morning. She would light a match, I would turn on the gas, she would light the fire, and I would freak out and turn the gas off. This went on about... five times before I finally left the gas on.
I do give Madame et Monsieur credit. BOOKS GALORE. There is even a shelf in the toilet room with books. Lots of Agatha Christie in French.

Haha, okay, this is where Paris living gets really interesting. Get ready for this one. This is our shower, the toilet has a different room. Notice the mirror? See how YOU CAN SEE INTO THE SHOWER? That shower curtain is as far closed as it can go. Also, it's not quite a shower, so much as a hand-held device which does not reach the nub on the wall where I could have hung it. Here is my new bathing method: I sit. I feel completely and utterly awkward watching myself bathe, so I sit. Washing my hair with one hand has been quite the challenge as well. There is also one of those butt-washers in the bathroom, but it has something growing in it too and I just don't want to go there.

Down the hall is my room! This is my little desk table. I also have a dry erase board... what more could an educator ask for?!
My closet.
Which is next to this wicked ancient dresser. Some of the doors aren't properly hinged so I can't use them all, but it's so fun to store things in all the little shelves.
The bed. Complete with Salve Regina blanket. And Brownie.
Oh. Best part. This is what I see every time I look out my window. SPARKLE!!!!!!!

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