Friday, October 24, 2008

Quick "Salut"

Salut everyone. I promise I'll put up pictures from Paris soon. I found these and wanted to share though. This is the mini long haired dachshund that I met over the summer... I swear that's my next dog. I already have names picked out. There is a homeless man on Rue St. Michel who begs for money with two weiner dogs. I considered taking one and running, but I think I'm just going to buy dog treats and give some to the pups everytime I walk by. (You miss your dogs when...)

Paris is lovely. However, I am very glad that this week is over. Having phonetics made it a very challenging week because it was an extra hour of class every day. It is very exhausting, because after all these hours of class (and trying to stay fed for cheap, and trying to walk by store windows without buying everything,) you still have to get on the metro and make sure you're awake to get off at your stop. On top of it all, I have a decent amount of work which must be done all in French. At the end of the day, my body and brain are fried. It is nice to know I can sleep in tomorrow and take some time to get work done, as well as have some fun.

Is anyone else surprised at how quickly October has gone by? Whenever I get those homesick pangs (which happen more often than I would like) I remind myself that I will be home before I know it. 57 days sounds like a long time, but that's two months, and I've already been gone a month and a half. C'EST FOU.

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