Thursday, November 13, 2008


No pictures today, beeecause I am angry with zee French. Well not really, I still love Paris, but the little things make me mad instead of happy today. It started yesterday, when I did my presentation for Societe Francaise. I'm probably the lowest level person in the class, and I am able to understand and follow along, but that doesn't mean I can spit it back out like so. I did my thing with my mice, it was very short and probably not so sweet but it was over. Then a girl did a presentation after me, and she was able to speak for a decent amount of time and not stumble a lot. Afterwards, the professor made a comment about how there are different levels of ability in the room. No, really? I'm sorry I sound like an idiot when I speak French. But I have worked my ass off to get here, and I'm trying. There is no need to make me feel stupid about it.

Then today was just one of those days. My cours pratique professor picked on me for some stupid thing because I didn't understand the concept un euro par jour or something like that. Now I have to write a summary about it and hand it in tomorrow because I was ignorant and didn't understand it. Curses and explatives, it isn't enough that whenever I go to speak to someone in French they respond in English. I am so frustrated and discouraged. My comprehension is so much better than it was (Me asking "Pardon?" or "Quoi?" is an improvement from me automatically going "Je ne sais pas" every time someone spoke to me). However, it seems like that improvement isn't good enough. Then I had an exam in Civ, and I failed. I know I did. And I got tomato on my white shirt. And everything just made me really cranky.

I'm so ready to be home right now. I want to be in my bed. I want my dogs. I want to go to Dunkin Donuts at midnight and not pay the equivelant of 5$ for food. On a Sunday, zut alors! Going home means I'm going to have to go back to Salve though, and I am so angry at the school I will not even get started on that. Let's just put it this way. If there was a way where I could transfer all my education credits and finish without having to deal with the hurdles Salve is putting in front of me, I'd transfer in an insant without hesitation. Forget the French minor. Just get me out of school, and away from the nuns.

Alright, I'm done with my rant. Hopefully my bad day is over and out of the way. I am going to go eat pancakes with maple syrup (me oh my, be still my heart) and know I will be home in 37 days.


1 comment:

Ash said...

wow. i've had quite a few days like that. where everything is going wrong and i just want to go home. push through it and probably in a week you'll hit a high again and be wondering how you could've been wishing to go home. also, don't listen to anyone who wants to bash your french. you're going to improve it more here in this semester than you could in years at salve and you should be proud of how far you've come. ta gueule to anyone who says otherwise.

what's the salve deal, though? my most recent problem with them is that (i'm a french major) and since they switched the 405 time I now can't take it. I have no idea how I'm going to get the equivalent now. Dr. Lawber says not to worry but even if we CAN work out something else (via the credits I've taken this semester as replacements) that still means NO french class this semester. plus summer. NOT good. i haven't gone that long without speaking french in a class since i started 6 years ago. it terrifies me. use it or lose it, you know?

ok. done with my novel now. biz :)