Monday, November 17, 2008


So Paris and I are okay again. We are learning the future tense in class which is very frustrating, but I'm getting through it. I expected a challange here, and I am getting it. Sometimes I would give anything to be home. Other times, I wish I could live here. Something about this city feels so right with me.

Over the weekend, Carmen and I went to Pere-Lachaise cemetary, which is like a little village within our city. There are so many graves, it is seriously insane. We have to make a second trip back because we spent half the time looking for Bizet, whom we could not locate. Carmen sang "Carmen" to him in hopes of us all of a sudden being able to find him, but no such luck.

It was rather eerie to be in a cemetary on an overcast day. Fallen leaves covered graves. Crows cawed. Cobwebs were in corners. Spooky.

Not really sure what else to say about Lachaise.

So just enjoy the rest of the pictures.

I will update again when I can, but I should get my devoirs finished and study for my controle Wednesday. Booooo.

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