Sunday, June 15, 2008


In order to get to Chambord we had to take a bus from a town called Blois. Blois to me, sounds like Blah. After we spent some time at Chambord, we returned to Blah Blois with time to spare. So we toured the Blois chateau.

The porcupine represents one of the kings. Henri, Fancois, Louis, I don't remember.

Really pretty stained glass. See the fleur de lys in the center?

Becca Violates Art #1
The gargoyles were asking for it.

Becca Violates Art #2
We have matching MOUSTACHES !!

Hercules.... or honey you should say HUNKules ! (I can't help the Disney references, they just spill out) Disney has brainwashed me into thinking that Hercules was this young, dashing clothed man. This says he's old, naked and bearded.

Looking up a ceiling. Of course.

The midge door !!!

Of course there's going to be a window pictures in here.

Yaaay art with my name in it !!!!!
Voulez-vouz couchez avec moi, c'est soir ?
I had to.
Gorgeous floor.

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