Sunday, June 15, 2008

Musee David D'Angers

That's right, David Dangers is back! For class on Friday we went to a museum with a bunch of his sculptures in it. Considering I've never been a big fan of sculptures, I actually enjoyed it. Here are some of my favorites.

Bonchamps... this one was a funeral tribute to a guy who pardoned prisoners on his deathbed. David's father was one of those prisoners.

This was on the back of a statue. Some pretty French script. I don't know.

Benny Ben Franklin !!! Hey there, somewhat great uncle !

Young Greek Girl... there was a story that went with this one, about how she symbolized a child of the future passing into independence, but I just thought she was so pretty.

Big..... thing.

Yes, yes, I photographed the school children having a field trip in the museum. I noticed that instead of raising their hands to be called on, they raise their pointer finger. They were too cute.

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