Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mont Saint-Michel

Mont Saint-Michel! Driving up to the island was incredible, it just looked like it was floating in the sky. It is incredible that it was built in the 8th century, I can't get enough of the history of this place!

Streets of Mont St-Michel. Dr. Habib really wanted us to see MSM because it will help us understand the feudal period when we read about it in Tocqueville. Ends up, what we're taught about the feudal system in America is complete crap. It's just a bias, Enlightened idea that made it's way into textbooks. The feudal system is actually a great way for everyone in the community to contribute to the society in which they live. Everyone knows everyone else, so there is a level of trust, and there is a lord or ruler who watches over the town. It's not the "dark" period that we always hear about. In fact, it sounds pretty freaking awesome. In this way, everyone had a purpose in the land. Everyone had a talent or something that they could offer. And they were all protected by a ruler. Unlike America, where everyone takes their talent and uses it for individual advancement. ANYWAY.

This is looking out during low tide. During high tide, MSM is completely surrounded by water. We were not able to see that, despite the fact that we were there for countless hours (actually...... we counted). It was beautiful though, just nothingness around. That's right, nothingness.

The nothingness surrounding MSM and I, before my eye decided to swell up. On the way back to Angers (during the 3 hour trip) I realized that my eye was killing me. Despite my constant blinking, letting it rest, whatever, it continued to hurt. When I got back to the residence I saw that the skin under my eye was swollen and looked like it was bruised. For no freaking good reason. I don't know what caused it, I don't know if it's allergies although I suspect it might be. Whatever the cause, I am feeling very vain and do not want to be seen by anyone in society until my marred face is better. So I'm sitting here with a giant water bottle on my face until that happens. I honest to goodness might not go to Chenenceau tomorrow if it meant healing myself and not being seen. Vainty!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh.
Now don't get me wrong, MCM is beautiful, but after walking through everything it gets boring very quickly. To make matters worse (before the swelling of the eye) our bus left, so several of us as well as Dr. Habib sat in the streets for a little while making fun of passerbys. After a while, we realized that some of them were English and could probably understand what we were saying, so we went to a place to get food. I had already eaten a waffle (YUMMM!!!) but I got a crepe, because I am in France and I can. I spoke with Dr. Habib and am considering doing an independent study with him. I think that we would study Emile by Rousseau, because I adore the man and I could integrate it with education. I do not know how it would work out credit-wise, but I figure if I am getting an education, I may as well take advantage of everything the campus offers, right? Even if it means pushing the campus to suit what I want to learn.

Don't make fun, we lasted two and half weeks in France without going to McDo ! We stopped at the McDo on the way back which served as my dinner: McFlurry and fries (fries dipped into the McFlurry = the bestest of the restest). This is when I began to realize that my eye was truly becoming problematic.

Okay, despite the fact that I'm freaking out about my eye, I had a good time today. I really enjoying talking to Dr. Habib because the man is brilliant and makes me feel like the decisions I am making in my life are right. I also enjoyed today because we drove through a town called Ernee (accent on the first little e). It's a tiny, tiny town, it only has the basic of basic stores, and is actually surrounded by farmland. I had this vision of myself living there, just in a town where I have what I need to survive and am not surrounded by the naggings of life. I even pictures myself milking one of the freaking cows there.... I guess I'll have to befriend a farmer. But I could see myself retiring to the French countryside. I've never really enjoyed the country before, I could never see myself not around alot of people and being around nature, but this town just really stood out to me. So that was cool that I am able to appreciate it.
Now I am going to change my waterbottle on my eye because this one is not very cold.

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