Thursday, June 12, 2008


This is how I walked around Chenonceau today, with a cloth wrapped around my eyes. Just kidding!! I did walk around with my sunglasses on at all times to cover up my swollen eye. Which has gone down considerably, I am quite glad. There is a little bit of bruising, but I'm hoping by tomorrow I'll be able to cover it up.

This is the chateaux of Chenonceau. It is absolutely magnificent, dahhling. I think there were a bunch of women who lived here, and the one decided that she wanted to be able to stand over the water, hence the beautiful arches.

The gardens were great, there was a bunch of nature which caused me to sneeze my way around, but I enjoyed it regardless.

I love the symmetry found in the gardens. I wouldn't have the patience to do that, so I really respect people planning that out.

A pretty pot of flowers.

More jardin.

Attempt at a fountain: fail.

We found an old wine cellar that you could walk around in (cue massive amount sneezing) but it was fun to look at the huge barrels.

Me and the well! I live the Disney dream everywhere, man. Here I am the embodiment of Snow White. I'll spare you the singing though.

Looking up at the chateau.

Stained glass inside.

I noticed that some of the floors had designs on the perimeter of the room. I wonder if this once covered the entire floor...

Looking through the window.

I touched the really old wall, bwahahaha.

This is the totally awesome floor on the part that stretches out over the water.

Photography gone awry. After Chenonceau Prof. Mitchell anounced that we were going to the city Tours (pronounced Tour). We decided to go to a resteraunt and spend the entire two and half hours there, and we did. Which ended up being a very good decision on our part because it poured.
Tomorrow we have class, but only in the morning. Afterward we are going to the David D'Angers museum and then we have the rest of the day to ourselves (I'm seeing... I'm seeing... MONOPRIX). However, before all that, I have to do a lot of reading for class and write two papers, one of them in French. And so, I bid thee adieu for now. Bisous !!

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